4. The beginning of recycling and its limits.

To recycle tires, you need to reduce the tires into shreds and grains. However, there are limits.
The economically limit of the maximum tire size is reached with a tire diameter of 1,4m.
Above diameter 1,4m the handling and energy costs to shred (size reduction) and milling in granules is no longer profitable.
The larger the tire, the higher the cost of the “size reduction”. In other words, the cost of size reduction becomes higher than the profit of the recycled products.
The EU legislation directives takes this limit of diameter 1,4m into account: EU dir. 1999/31/EC-5.3.d
Above this diameter of 1,4m there are no directives!
Sometime companies are using hydraulic pliers or a band saw to cut big tires, or even dynamite, it is possible but expensive.
Yes, these hydraulic machines can reduce the big volumes, but the next step is always the pyrolysis of the large pieces of rubber.
This leads to an expensive “end of life” and unfortunately also a high ecological footprint.