5. The history of UHP water jetting.

About 50 years ago, companies started to ‘recycle’ rubber tires using water jets.
The last 2 decades 11 UHP (ultra-high pressure) pump manufacturers have significantly improved the performance of their UHP pumps and the linked roto-jetting to machine down the rubber.
Some 45 patents were granted, 10 companies were testing “pulverizing” car and truck tires.
The main questions are: Is this profitable for car tires? Can this work out also for big tires?
There is surprisingly very little information is available about UHP “pulverizing” rubber tires.
For most UHP water jetting companies, the 1st and most important problem is the required energy (kWh/kg rubber powder), this remains a ‘dark mystery’.
Unbelievable is the 2nd point that remains vague, which is the TDS (technical data sheet) of the pulverized powder.
The financial return (ROI) of the technology is a 3rd point which is in the dark pitch.
BTRC provides answers to all of these points.